Diagnosis and treatment of gum disease


Symptoms of gingivitis are bad breath, bad taste, bleeding and tender gums. Gingivitis is the only reversible stage of gum disease where permanent bone loss has not occurred. Lack of early treatment and strict homecare can lead to permanent bone loss, periodontal disease, and eventually tooth loss.

We generally recommended the following treatment to stop this progressive disease and help bring your gums back to a normal, healthy state...

Our professional efforts will not work alone. Maintaining your periodontal health depends on a team effort. We need your commitment to ensure the success of this program. This depends on your coming in for in-office therapy and your home care.  Without proper treatment and maintenance the condition will reoccur or worsen.  Periodontal disease cannot be cured, it can only be controlled and and the progression stopped.

Once we stabilize and improve your dental health with any restorative measures necessary, we're able to focus on the aesthetic, or cosmetic dentistry, a perfect partner to healthy teeth and gums!

See also: